07 September, 2021
Urdhva Padmasana: Improves digestion, also helpful in migraine:-
Urdhva Padmasana is also known as Lotus in Head Stand and Upward Lotus Posture. Urdhva Padmasana is made up of two words, Urdhva and Padma. Urdhva means turned towards and the Padma means lotus flower.
This is one of the difficult asanas and should be learned under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor. Urdhva Padmasana improves body awareness, ability to concentrate, and balance.
This asana stimulates the thyroid gland and kidneys, as well as strengthens the heart. This asana is very good for correcting the weakness of the body. Urdhva Padmasana is considered beneficial to remove fatigue caused by sitting.
It is said that in ancient times many yogis used this asana to do penance. Know about the method of doing Urdhva Padmasana and its benefits and precautions.
If you want to explore and learn more about yoga poses, you can join a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Goa, India.
How to do Urdhva Padmasana:
Keep in mind that it is necessary to practice Halasana before doing this asana.
To do Urdhva Padmasana, first lie on your back on a mat and keep your hands on the ground by the side of the back.
After this, while breathing in, raise both the legs upwards and bring the position of Halasana.
While doing this, keeping the elbows on the ground, support the back with both hands.
In this position, exhale one to two times in and out. Also, make sure that your balance is correct.
Now bring the feet in the position of Padmasana.
Then by bringing the hands forward, support the knee with the hands.
If there is difficulty in maintaining balance, then stay in the posture supporting the back.
Focus your eyes on the nose. If there is a problem in this, then you can also focus your eyes on the navel.
Stay in this posture for 60 to 90 seconds according to the capacity, after that slowly bring the legs back.
Start the practice of this mudra from 30 seconds in the beginning and gradually increase its time.
Benefits of Urdhva Padmasana:
The digestive system improves by doing this asana.
Urdhva Padmasana is beneficial for all abdominal organs.
This asana is beneficial to get rid of the problem of migraines.
By regularizing the Urdhva Padmasana, there is a supply of blood to the brain.
This asana strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, neck, arms, and torso.
Do not try to do more than your physical capacity.
This asana is difficult to do, so it should be done only under the supervision of a yoga guru.
If there is any injury in the neck or hips, then this asana should not be done.
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Improves body balance - strengthens the legs:-
Utthita Hasta Padangushthasana is made up of four words Utthita, Hasta, Pad, and Anushtha. In which Uthit means raised, Hasta means hand, pad means foot and thumb means toe, and this posture is also called Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose in English.
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is a standing posture that balances the body. It also improves concentration. It also helps in increasing stability.
By doing Utthit Hasta Padangusthasana, there is an improvement in physical and mental balance. By regularizing this asana, self-awareness also increases, and at the same time, there is a good stretch in the hamstrings and hips.
This asana should be practiced only under the supervision of a skilled instructor. Let us know the method of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and what precautions should be taken while doing it.
Method of doing Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana:
First of all, stand in the position of Tadasana, then inhale and lift the right leg and bring the knee near the stomach.
In this position, you will feel a stretch on your right hip and keep your attention on the left leg to maintain balance.
After this, keep your left hand on the waist and hold the toe of the right foot with the right hand. Then extend the right leg forward and try that your whole leg becomes straight, as well as raise it as high as you can. Do it according to your ability.
After this, if possible, while exhaling, touch the head with the knee. After this, inhale at least 5 times and exhale outwards. After this, while breathing in, raise your head up.
Let us tell you that if you are having difficulty touching the head with the knee, then you can also keep the head tilted towards the ground.
After this, keeping your vision in front, exhale and move your right leg outwards. If possible, rotate it up to 90 degrees.
After coming in this posture, turn the head to the left and do this till your vision comes to your left shoulder. Now take five breaths in and out, stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
You can come out of this pose after taking 5 breaths. While coming out of the posture, while breathing in, move the head back towards the front as well as your right leg. Once again rest the head on the knee and bring it back upwards, but at this time do not breathe five times.
Now keep the right hand on the waist, but keep the right leg up. In this position also take five breaths in and out.
After this, to end the asana, lower your right leg and end the posture of Tadasana and now repeat the same process on the left side.
Benefits of Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana:
By doing Utthit Hasta Padangusthasana, there is a strain in the feet, ankles, and knees, which is very helpful in making them strong.
While doing Utthit Hasta Padangusthasana, the leg on which you stand, especially strengthens it.
Helps in maintaining physical balance.
This asana is a bit difficult to do, so instead of completing it all at once, you can also do it in a few steps, when your ability increases, you start doing the rest of the steps.
If there is any kind of pain in the lower back or ankles, then this asana should not be done.
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