28 November, 2021
It's not just people who live in the attic who want to cool off in the summer. In the office, too, people may not be able to concentrate due to the high temperatures. So that you too can spend the summer in peace, we have put together 16 tips against the heat. With our tips for summer, you can refresh not only your home but also your body. The heat is not a problem!
Place the fan in front of your bed and let the air blow into an "empty" duvet cover. You can now lie down comfortably in this cave, and you will be excellent.
So, hang a sheet in front of the open window and spray water on it. It will cool the room by evaporating.
Put the inside of an aloe vera leaf in a blender. Then pour the liquid into a glass and place a stick in the middle. Attach a clothespin to it so that it stays laced in the middle. Then freeze the glass. In case of sunburn, rub this ice cube on the affected skin area.
4.1 Cut a hole in the brick as large as the USB fan. Then place the fan in the hole and glue it to the brick with hot glue.
4.2 Put ice cubes in the brick. Then connect the USB fan to your computer, and your mini air conditioner is ready.
Just fill a hot water bottle with ice cubes instead of hot water. Then put it in your bed. A straightforward but effective solution against high temperatures at night.
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Just put your soles in the freezer for 2 hours, then put them back in your shoes. Goodbye, hot feet.
When the temperature starts to increase in the summer, there are two types of people: those dying for the thermometer to cross the 30-degree mark and those who start to sweat just thinking about it. But everyone agrees that lightly dressed, in the shade, and with a cold drink, we can easily withstand this heat. Unfortunately, this is not always possible so, That We have put together 5 tips to help you make the summer heat a little more bearable in several cases.
The days are still long; the evenings are mild and everyday life generally takes place outside rather than inside. So, To make your summer as enjoyable as possible, there are some tips and tricks for a better everyday life.
It's the fashion of the moment on Instagram; under the hashtag " WatermelonDress," you will find countless photos of a watermelon skillfully staged as a garment. It sounds funny, but it's even more fun when you do it yourself! So, We're going to show you how easy it is to join the trend. Do temperatures exceed 30 degrees? No more problems for you thanks to our 16 tips. We wish you a good summer!