Things To Know About Natural & Effective Keratoconus Treatment

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05 August, 2022

Things To Know About Natural & Effective Keratoconus Treatment

The cornea of the eye is affected by this progressive disease Keratoconus. This is a weakening of the eye's corneal fibers that gets worse over time. This causes the patient to gradually lose their quality of vision. This process causes the cornea to bulge and project images seeing a distorted or doubled image. Keratoconus can appear gradually over time or after an injury. It is important to understand the symptoms of this progressive disease because if left untreated for too long it can seriously damage a patient's vision and lead to a painful and invasive corneal transplant.

What is the Cause of Keratoconus?

Despite our many years of experience with this chronic long-term disease, the causes are often unknown. This eye disease was thought to be caused by injury or other external factors. However, recent research has shown that one of the main causes of Keratoconus is an imbalance of enzymes in the cornea.

Because of this imbalance, free radicals, a compound present in the air, can damage the cornea. This damage can cause the cornea to deform and bulge, resulting in a conical shape.

In most cases, this eye disease is genetic. You have the chance of this disease if your family has a history of this. Other lesser-known causes include excessive sun exposure, excessive eye rubbing due to chronic eye irritation, or ill-fitting contact lenses. Keratoconus results from a decrease in these antioxidants and protective enzymes in the cornea. If you are suffering from this disease and need the right diet and lifestyle changes to improve your condition, Ayurvedic experts will guide you properly and help you fight this disease. They are known for providing an excellent guide to Keratoconus treatment in India.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Frequent Eye Rubbing

We don't think about how often we rub our eyes, but a sudden and frequent increase in eye rubbing can be a sign of vision problems or other medical conditions. Frequent rubbing of the eyes can also provoke the development of keratoconus. It's important that if you find yourself rubbing your eyes daily, you discuss it with Ayurvedic treatment without side effects treatment. Ayurvedic Keratoconus treatment in India focuses on treating the symptoms of the disease through Panchakarma remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications and you should get tested for natural eye remedies to get relief from rubbing your eyes.

Change in Power Glasses

On average, we need an eye exam every 1-2 years. Contact lens wearers should have their eyes examined annually to ensure eye health. If you are at risk or already have vision problems, a yearly checkup is a very high priority, in some cases, every 6 months is even better. If your power changes frequently, there may be a bigger cause of the Keratoconus problem. If you see these types of symptoms then Ayurvedic treatment of Keratoconus will help you in successful treatment.  

Decreased Night Vision

One of the most noticeable signs or symptoms of keratoconus is decreased night vision. You may find that your overall vision is blurry at night or that it is more difficult to read road signs. If you notice increased halos or glare around streetlights, it can be an indication that there might be early signs of keratoconus. It is very important to report these symptoms to your Ayurvedic doctor and get cured of this disease.

Why Is Keratoconus Treatment Necessary?

Keratoconus is a disease of the eye due to the gradual thinning and bulging of the central part of the cornea in a conical shape. It is associated with significant vision problems such as blurred and distorted vision, increased sensitivity to light, etc. Ayurveda explains Keratoconus treatment in India by compiling the 'Krishna Gata Rogas' and 'Timira' spectrum of diseases.

Natural Treatment of Keratoconus

Ayurvedic therapies like Netradhara, Nasya, Lepa over the eyes, Shirodhara, and Tharpana are highly effective procedures that can prevent the progression of the disease from being controlled. Keratoconus eye drops are also used to relieve the patient's symptoms. Keratoconus treatment requires long-term monitoring of symptoms with multiple dietary and lifestyle restrictions.

In the Natural process of Ayurvedic treatment, they divide the disease into two clinical stages. If the disease is in the initial stages, Ayurvedic medicines are enough to treat the disease. In the advanced condition, a patient requires an aggressive approach to Panchakarma therapies with hospitalization for 21 days under the supervision of an Ayurvedic ophthalmologist. The doctor performs various treatments such as Netradhara, Snehpana, Virechan, Nasya, Anjana & Aschyotana, and Tharpana. Experts take a holistic approach and offer effective relief from all these symptoms with Ayurveda Keratoconus treatment in India.