Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum Assessments in 2021

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10 December, 2021

Early Years, Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum Assessments in 2021

The Standards and Testing Agency [STA] have affirmed that all KS1 and KS2 evaluations return in 2021 and that the EYFS benchmark appraisal is legal for all schools with qualified kids.

The appraisals are:

gathering benchmark appraisal

phonics screening check

end of KS1 and KS2 appraisals (counting tests and instructor evaluation)

year 4 increase tables check

legal understanding testing.

There will be no science examining tests in 2021.

The STA perceive that kids have missed enormous pieces of their adapting yet consider the tests to be indispensable in assessing the effect of Covid on this companion. A best education blogs 2022 appears to be impossible that SATs will be delayed again in 2021 thus.

Gathering Baseline Assessment Deadline - November 1 Deadline

The benchmark ought to be finished in the initial a month and a half after kids enter gathering.

The appraisal and announcing courses of action set out that headteachers need to keep materials classified and complete the headteacher affirmation structure on the Baseline ePortal before the November 1 cutoff time.

Toward the finish of the scholastic year in July 2021, the EYFS profile should be finished and given to the Year 1 educator. The early years establishment stage profile handbook gives additional data. Segment 5 of the handbook covers announcing plans.


Data on the pre-winter evaluating check for Year 2 understudies utilizing 2017, 18 or 19 materials is presently distributed. The materials can be downloaded from the training materials website.

Schools are urged to oversee the check toward the start of term 2. This passes on the last a long time before Christmas to manage the check to any students who were missing. Any youngster that doesn't finish takes the assessment again in June 2021 with Year 1.

Headteachers are liable for guaranteeing all check chairmen are fittingly prepared, support from our expert guides will be accessible presently through a recorded online class. The connection will be shared when accessible.

The fall check isn't observed by nearby specialists. A few schools will have their screening actually looks at remotely checked in June. Information ought to be submitted to the DfE through the LA in the typical manner.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Grade schools will survey understudies toward the finish of KS1 and KS2 this coming year and the information will be utilized to create the standard set-up of responsibility estimates that will be imparted to Ofsted and latest education blog specialists or MATs as they typically are. This data won't be distributed in execution tables which will in any case reference information from the/long term. Grade schools will keep on advising guardians regarding their own kid's new test and evaluation results. For the 2021/22 scholastic year public, territorial, and neighborhood authority level instructive execution information for KS2, will be distributed including data by student trademark and everyday life type.

The Assessment and Reporting Arrangements are distributed for both KS1 and KS2 and contain replies to most inquiries you may have. Kindly guarantee your year 2 and 6 instructors have these.

From 25 October schools need to sign in to the Primary Assessment Gateway to submit data on vacation dates and put in test requests.

KS1 - tests can be directed anytime in May 2021. Test scripts are relied upon to be taken care of in the typical manner.

From 2023 the KS1 SATs will be discretionary and there will be no prerequisite to present the information, however for 2021 the standard systems apply.

KS2 – directed 9 to 12 May 2021. Should look essentially as old as 2019. 10% of schools will get an observing visit during this period.

Augmentation Tables Check (MTC)

Augmentation Tables Check (MTC) - directed any time between 6 June 2021 and 24 June. Direction will be refreshed in March 2021 so these dates are not unmistakable yet.


Control visits will happen in June.

25% of schools will be directed across KS1 perusing, composing and maths and KS2 composing.

We will offer KS1 and KS2 composing arbitrator preparing and appraisal to schools in January.

We will then, at that point, hope to select arbitrators from those that have effectively finished the appraisal.

For more data, kindly contact Assessment@theeducationpeople.org

Plan Variance and Access Arrangements

There may be a more noteworthy need to think about a plan difference assuming that there are big quantities of Covid cases in your school. Direction on KS1 and KS2 access game plans and schedule difference has been distributed.